Hello! Here it is my first nsfw pack! Well, not the very first, but this one is better!
- 14 couple poses
- 2 sequences (M wakes F up, F wakes M up), each has its own “all in one”
- thumbnails and descriptions in poselist in game
- need this 🍆 by Noir and Dark sims (🔞website -loverslab) (I made the poses for the average one. Thick one will be uncompatible with pose 11 but will be compatible with pose 10. I did not try with longer/shorter ones)
- if F is very skinny, there will be some clippings with pose 12 (tip of 🍆 will come out of her belly LOL). I suggest using the TOOL mod to move F a bit… or make F a bit curvy just for the screenshots 🤣
- PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that since these are poses with a lot of touching, clipping will most likely happen! They can’t work for all bodies. The closer the body of the sims is to the default, the better they will work!
You will need:Poseplayer & Teleport Any Sim
You may find useful:TOOL mod
- Sims4Studio