This is a posepack I wanted to make for so long. Random poses for sims that are making something not specific on surfaces.
- 14 poses on furnitures (you will have to put teleporter inside the furniture)
- All in one with 9 poses, from standing to sit on the floor
- Default expression with closed mouth
- For counter: place teleporter in the middle of the counter
- For dinner table/desks: place teleporter in the middle of the table or, in 2 or 3 tiles tables, pretend they are made with 1-tile tables and place teleporter accordingly.
- For bed: place teleporter in the middle of the bed or, on double bed, pretend the double bed is made with 2 single beds and place teleporter accordingly.
- For couch: place teleporter in the middle of any couch. First three poses can be used with armchairs too.
- All in one: they are made without dependencies, to be used freely. This means the sim will be exactly where the teleporter is, facing what is facing the statue.
You will need: Poseplayer & Teleport Any Sim
You may find useful: TOOL mod
- Sims4Studio